Sunday, August 31, 2008

Introducing THRIVE

Being single is an awesome opportunity to serve the kingdom of God, to grow and flourish. To thrive. Often times however, we don't make the most of the opportunities.

THRIVE Singles Ministry was borne out of a desire to mobilize singles in the Midwest region of the Great Commission Churches. It started as a weekend retreat designed to build relationships and look for opportunities to serve in our own churches & communities and join together to do more than what we could do on our own.

THRIVE is about making the most of the opportunities God brings before us; about being together, so that even though we are single, we know we are part of a larger family. Sometimes we need that more than anything else, because sometimes it seems like we are "forgotten" - after all we're not a family with kids. We're not college students ripe for evangelism - full of passion and energy. We're older - 30s and 40s. Sometimes we're tired just from living life. We can be set in our ways - to our own detriment.

But we don't have to be. We can reach out to others in our same situation - those who are once again or have always been single. We can encourage others in our same life situation. After all we know what its like. And we know Jesus Christ. And we know its better when you have some one to lean on, to celebrate successes, to mourn losses, to live life with.

Together we can make a difference. Together we can spread the love of Christ. Together we can serve the Creator

Together we can thrive.