Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Feeling Uninspired

When this blog was started, I committeed myself to one entry per month.  I was doing better than that, then January hit, and there was a crisis and it seemed like God was inspiring me to use song lyrics to blog about faith and things. 

Fast forward ... crisis over ... there are still great songs out there (Born Again, Hold my Heart, and anything by TFK/FM Static - its just so bouncy!)  but yet I find myself blogging less.   I said to myself, I'm just not "inspired", but you'd think that not being in a crisis or helping a friend through a crisis or witnessing a crisis on TV would be incredibly inspiring.  I mean whats more inspiring than being safe and happy and contented?

This past Sunday my pastor spoke on the Bible Basics of Knowing God's Will (I do the sermon slides so the title does have to be in that initial upper case :o).  And it got me thinking about writing ...

I used to think that if God wanted me to write, then He would just fill my head with stuff and I'd translate it to paper (or pixels as the case may be).  After all, thats how most of this blog came into being.  But maybe that thinking is backwards - maybe if I want to write for God I ought to just write ... its not rocket science after all.  I don't have to be all profound and whatnot.

Maybe God knows I love to write and have been doing it since junior high - with notebooks filled with stories no one will ever see - and here is one opportunity to write and actually have people read it [waving to our  "fan" now]. 

And what could be more inspiring than an opportunity to do something I love and maybe pass on a little of God's love and life experience along the way.

Hmmmm ... I'm kinda feeling inspired now.  I bet there is a song lyric for that!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So where's your stupid?

Its been a while since I've posted. I'd like to say that I've been busy researching the next great idea in the Christian blog-o-sphere, or that I've been so deeply involved with my Bible studies and my small group and my deeply profound quiet times that I haven't had time to to write about it - I was too busy doing.

Unfortunately none of those is true ... I've just been doing other stuff, things that may or may not have kingdom value (although I am still trying to figure out how to make card making a ministry!)

One of the things that does take up my time is reading blogs - mostly paper crafting ones, but a few Christian bloggers who alternate between profoundly serious and hysterically funny. John Acuff is one of those - he writes at Stuff Christians Like.
Today he wrote about when he takes small steps toward stupid.

This was one of the profoundly serious and deeply moving entries he does on Wednesdays. Got me thinking ... what are my steps toward stupid?

Do I discount them or am I just a better Christian than Mr. Prodigal John - sorry I can't even write that without snickering. I know I discount them - brush off the adventures into thought patterns that are of no value and can become damaging to both myself and to those around me.

That's my biggest step - living in my head. Thinking thoughts that have no bearing on reality. That leads me right to stupid ... to that place where I miss a step and get caught in free fall. Or worse yet take a hit and spiral down to that dark and airless void that lives at rock bottom.

To avoid this I know I need my quiet times. I need to be in serious prayer. I need fellowship. When its a struggle I need accountability.

So where's your stupid?

Monday, June 1, 2009


Watched a video this weekend called Indescribable - it was a talk by Louie Giglio on the Indescribable tour (Thanks Ben for bringing the video along on the camping trip!).

It was all about creation declaring the glory of God. He showed examples of pulsars and nebulae and centers of star systems from the Hubbell space telescope. Mr. Giglio made the comments that each time we create a larger/better/ more powerful telescope we see more things that we've never seen before - how God is encouraging us on so we can see just how great He is, how creative, how powerful.

Mr Giglio also mused about how the sounds emanating from a pulsar could just as easily be that star calling out "He is great! He is awesome! He is God!"

Later after the video our little camping group was sitting down by the lake. The geese were all stirred up - honking and calling to each other. Someone in the group (I think it was Ben again) started calling out "He is awesome", "He is great", "He is ..." fill in the blank with a character trait of God. It was so cool to think that all the commotion may have really been creation declaring the wonders and power and majesty of the Creator.

I used to think "oh just be quiet" when I heard the birds making noises in the morning. After all they were waking me up - usually quite a while before I wanted to be awake!

But after this weekend I think "yes you are right - He is awesome and powerful and good and just and ..." and I join in the chorus and sing along, praising my Creator.