Thursday, February 19, 2009

Falling Up

Do you ever put people up on pedestals? The more highly you think of them, the more you idealize (or should I say idolize) them, and the higher the pedestal goes.

Until it falls.

Until your hero comes crashing to the ground in a rush of humanity, because the one you put up
there to admire is, after all, human.

I was convicted on that recently when I realized that I was making an idol of a friend. I thought the world of this person and when the fall came it shook me to the core.

The fact that this person sinned seemed inconceivable ... but how unrealistic is that. And how unfair. We, all of us, have sinned (and fall short of the glory of God) and God's grace covers us all. Jesus sacrifice paid the price for every one.

So this time instead of wallowing in whatever you wallow in when you are disappointed, I gave it to God. Don't think that was as easy as it sounds, though. I wrestled with it - knowing mercy was needed but in my heart wanting justice instead.

But God is gracious - He took my doubts, my concerns, my fears, my disappointments and whispered "Trust me". I fell up into the arms of my Savior and received the peace the truly does surpass all understanding.

As I learn to trust more deeply and more consistently what I know is true, I know that peace will stay - for all the storms that surely lie ahead.