Friday, July 24, 2009

The Christian "F" Word

I was listening to Jon Acuff today - a talk he gave at a church conference.  You can listen to the whole thing here - and don't laugh at booty, God, booty - its really serious stuff!

Anyway he talked about the Christian "F" word. 

What is it you ask ... it's "Fine". 

We use it alot don't we. 

If God is doing great things , we're awesome, or we're great, or we're blessed ...

If we are at a cross roads, we're seeking counsel or we're praying ...

If there is a trial, we're persevering ....

But if we are painting a picture for others, or if we are avoiding an issue, or if we don't want to get too close or too deep - we're "fine". 

That's it, just "fine". 

Now sometimes it will be true - we will be fine - the "and dandy" kind of fine. 

But if you listen closely, you can tell by how its said, how its clipped at the end, that things really aren't as the answer implies. This is the kind of "fine" that has implied quotes (every body hands up and make the double quote marks with your fingers!)

I'm not sure why we do it.  I'm guilty of it quite often. 

Maybe its because we know if we admit anything we'll have to take a closer look at ourselves - if we're "fine" then we're "fine" and we don't have to ...

Or maybe its because we don't think the other person really wants to hear all the gory details ... and that may be true too.  But it seems a different answer, an honest answer, even if it is devoid of the details might be better then just being "fine", especially between brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let's not be "fine" any more. 

Lets be honest.

Let's be sick. 

Let's let the Great Physician heal every part of us - not just the parts we decide to let Him into. 

Because if we're "fine" then we really don't need Him, do we?

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