Monday, March 29, 2010

Thoughtful musings

I'm sitting here on a quiet afternoon.  The dog is sitting by my side trying to coax one more walk out of me before the sun goes down.  its sunshiny, still cool, but spring is here and the winter seems behind us, finally.

I spent a good chunk of time this weekend looking through old scripts and writing assignments I did 7 or so years ago.  I took an online creative writing class and found some interesting things that I'd written way back when ... back when the divorce was fresh and raw and counselling was revealing a lot of hurts from my past that I thought were just parts of my personality. 

It was interesting looking back because some of it I don't remember even writing (there was Buzz the bag boy - part of the bag boy underground - and Romp Grommet - inventor extraordinaire) and feelings I don't remember documenting (like levels of black hatred that I have not experienced since that time thanks to the aforementioned counselling). 

I found a great piece that was about walking my dog on a crisp November morning after the first snowfall of 2003.  I used to write a lot.  I used to want to be a writer.  Right now I miss it more than I thought possible.

A lot of things have changed in the last 7 years.  My love of writing isn't one of them. 

Neither is God.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  He was there 7 years ago when I was coming to terms with parts of my past, and He is here now as the path to the future is forged.  Its kinda cool to come back to such a basic truth and know that it IS true ...for always.

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